Part I. Introduction

Module 1: Introduction

Why Is MySQL So Popular?

Elements of MySQL and Its Environment

MySQL Software Covered in This Book

The Book’s Web Site


Module 2: Installing MySQL

Installation Choices and Platforms

Using the Command-Line Interface

Using a Text Editor

Following the Instructions in This Book

Downloading and Verifying Files from the MySQL AB Web Site

Installing Under Linux

Installing Under Windows

Installing Under Mac OS X

Using a MySQL Installation Provided by an ISP

Upgrading an Existing MySQL Serve

Configuring Access to the MySQL Server

What If Things Don’t Work?

The Contents of the MySQL Directory

Configuring and Controlling the Apache Web Server

Setting up Perl



Module 3: Using the MySQL Monitor

Starting the Monitor

Style, Case, and Semicolons

The Monitor Help

Running the Monitor in Batch Mode

Loading the Sample Databases

MySQL Monitor Program Option

Graphical Clients


Part II. Using MySQL

Module 4: Modeling and Designing Databases

How Not to Develop a Database

The Database Design Process

The Entity Relationship Model

Entity Relationship Modeling Examples

Using the Entity Relationship Model

Using Tools for Database Design



Module 5: Basic SQL

Using the Music Database

The SELECT Statement and Basic Querying Techniques

The INSERT Statement

The DELETE Statement

The UPDATE Statement

Exploring Databases and Tables with SHOW and mysqlshow


Module 6: Working with Database Structures

Creating and Using Databases

Creating Tables

The Sample Music Database

Altering Structures

Deleting Structures


Module 7: Advanced Querying


Aggregating Data

Advanced Joins

Nested Queries

User Variables

Transactions and Locking

Table Types


Module 8: Doing More with MySQL

Inserting Data Using Queries

Loading Data from Comma-Delimited Files

Writing Data into Comma-Delimited Files

Creating Tables with Queries

Updates and Deletes with Multiple Tables

Replacing Data

The EXPLAIN Statement


Module 9: Managing Users and Privileges

Understanding Users and Privileges

Creating and Using New Users


The GRANT OPTION Privilege

How Privileges Interact

Users and Hosts

Checking Privileges

Revoking Privileges

Removing Users

Understanding and Changing Passwords

The Default Users

Devising a User Security Policy

Managing Privileges with SQL

Privileges and Performance

Resetting Forgotten MySQL Passwords

Part III. Advanced Topics

Module 10: Backups and Recovery

Dumping a Database as SQL Statements

Loading Data from an SQL Dump File


Scheduling Backups

The Binary Log

Checking and Repairing Corrupted Tables

Re-Creating Damaged Grant Tables



Module 11: Using an Options File

Configuring Options for the MySQL Monitor

Structure of the Options File

Scope of Options

Search Order for Options Files

Determining the Options in Effect


Module 12: Configuring and Tuning the Server

The MySQL Server Daemon

Server Variables

Checking Server Settings

Other Things to Consider


Part IV. Web Database Applications with PHP

Module 13: Web Database Applications

Building a Web Database Application

The Apache Web Server

Introducing PHP

Using a PHP-Enabled Web Hosting Site




Module 14: PHP

Language Basics

Accessing MySQL Using PHP

Modularizing Code

Processing and Using User Data

The PHP Predefined Superglobal Variables

Untainting User Data


The Reload Problem

Using PHP for Command-Line Scripts


Module 15: A PHP Application: The Wedding Gift Registry

Designing and Creating the Wedding Database

The Login Form

Passing a Message to a Script

Logging Users In and Out

The db.php Include File

Editing the List of Gifts

Loading Sample Gifts

Listing Gifts for Selection

Selecting and Deselecting Gift

Part V. Interacting with MySQL Using Perl

Module 16: Perl

Scripting With Perl


Module 17: Using Perl with MySQL

Connecting to the MySQL Server and Database

Handling Errors When Interacting with the Database

Using Queries That Return Answer Sets

Using Queries That Don’t Return Answer Sets

Binding Queries and Variables

Importing and Exporting Data

Handling NULL Values


Module 18: Serving Perl Pages to the Web

The Perl CGI Module

Processing User Input

A Note on mod_perl

Perl Security

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